A Constellation of Roses: A Heartwarming Story About Magical Pies, Fragrant Roses, and True Home
A Constellation of Roses has a lot of adventure, a little bit of magic, and a happy ending. The detailed artwork on the cover is what drew me to the book; pink roses peeking in from the sides, white dots of constellations scattered across a dark green cover. The plot of the book is just as beautiful and detailed as the cover, and I definitely recommend this book if you are looking for an entertaining read. Trix Mcabe is a runaway 17-year-old girl, who has been running away from the foster care services ever since she was 10, when her mom lost custody of her. Shortly after, there is what Trix calls a Good Year, where her mom promises to stay away from drugs. But then, her mom just leaves one day without giving Trix any clue of where she could be. It’s up to Trix to make money for food and shelter, which she does by stealing. From the very first page, we see how Trix Mccabe is no ordinary thief; she actually has a magical ability to take things that don’t belong to her without...